CUUUB ® Whitepaper

Your strategic playbook

In our latest ebook you'll learn all about Web3, Metaverse and Immersive Brand Experiences.

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Topics Covered In The Book

These are the topics you will read in this whitepaper

The new brand experience

The future of the Internet appears tobe three-dimensional


The foundation for a true experience

3D models of reality enable the innovativeuse of web-based presentation


Bending the Spoon

The metaverse is a term that basicallystands for an immersive online experience.


Create Concrete Situation

It is important to create a good balance ofnovel experience and ease of use.


Call to Action

Guide website visitors semi-automaticallythrough the 3D experienceworldt


Privacy on the Decentralised Web

The Web3 could become the savior forprevious data protection problems


The New 4p Synergies

The Web3 could become the savior forprevious data protection problems


XR Worlds as the Mega Tool

Over 3 x longer dwell time than in a traditional website or webshop

Total Pages


How to Create Immersive Brand Experience With Web3 and Metaverse

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About Author

Dr. Frank Dürr

Dr. Frank Dürr  is founder and managing director of the group for digital communication acameo as well as of the startup cuuub. In addition, he is a lecturer at the University of Salzburg as well as an author and speaker.Frank Dürr studied general rhetoric and art history in Tübingen. He was a research fellow at Forum Scientiarum Tübingen and received his doctorate in General Rhetoric. From 2010 to 2019, he was a research associate at the University of Tübingen and was a lecturer in Heilbronn, Tübingen. In 2020, he switched completely to the management of his own company and received the DigAMus Award and the BMC Content Marketing Award Silver.